11 5 月, 2024
Most massage chairs do a full-body scan and then provide a custom massage based on your unique body type. Chairs without a scanning function are ineffective and can be painful.

A massage chair https://maxcareonlineshop.com/en/product-category/massager-en/massage-chair-en/ is a wonderful piece of furniture to have in the home. It helps alleviate pain, eases stress, and improves sleep.

Most massage chairs do a full-body scan and then provide a custom massage based on your unique body type. Chairs without a scanning function are ineffective and can be painful.


Imagine sitting down after a long day and enjoying a soothing therapeutic massage in the comfort of your own home. It’s a dream many people have, especially when dealing with back issues, stress or problems with concentration and sleep.

In addition to relaxing the body, regular massage can also help lower cortisol levels and increase serotonin. This can lead to improved sleep and less pain.

Some massage chairs come with a Body Scan technology that can automatically scan the user and adjust the roller position and massage field width accordingly. This ensures the chair is always doing a good job, and it eliminates the need to tweak the controls manually. Others offer a manual option that allows you to select specific areas of the body where you would like the rollers to focus.


A heated massage chair warms up the body, making it easier to work out knots and tense muscles. It also boosts energy and relaxes the mind.

A chair’s heating function may also increase flexibility, which can help prevent injury and improve posture and physical performance. Many massage chairs have programs designed by physical therapists that target muscle groups for increased mobility and flexibility. Loosening rigid muscles may also help prevent misalignment of joints and spine.

Some massage chairs incorporate infrared heat through pads or rollers. Infrared heat uses invisible, non-harmful light waves to soothe the skin and promote healing. It is not a substitute for medical care.


Many Massage Chairs have an incredible built-in audio system that allows you to sync your favorite tunes while relaxing in your chair. This makes your personal experience much more enjoyable and gives you a deeper sense of relaxation.

Music therapy is a proven way to help reduce stress. Studies have shown that adding music to traditional therapeutic techniques like massage can significantly increase the healing benefits.

One of the most exciting things that a lot of the newer chairs have is the ability to synchronize the back massage rollers with your music. This is very similar to the way a professional masseuse uses music during a massage and can make your entire experience much more memorable and calming.

Many of the newer Massage Chairs that have this feature also have Bluetooth technology for an amazing sound experience, space-saving tech and other incredible features such as L-Track technology, 3D and 4D massage rollers and more. They offer high-quality speakers that are built into the headrest and can connect directly to your phone without having any wires to manage or risk them getting tangled up.


Many massage chairs rely on microprocessors to operate their various functions and features. Think of the microprocessor as the chair’s brain, storing every command and instruction it receives from its remote control user (and, in some cases, from body scanning).

Some advanced massage chairs feature back stretching programs that mimic the movements of a chiropractor, helping to relieve pressure between spinal vertebrae. Other advanced functions help the body process and eliminate lactic acid, a workout byproduct that contributes to muscle soreness.

Some chairs feature sensors that monitor the user’s reaction to the massage, allowing them to adjust intensity and concentrate on troublesome areas on the fly. The Sanyo Zero Gravity Massage Chair, for example, uses a technology called galvanic skin response to detect the stress in your muscles. The chair can then focus on these areas, adjusting the position and intensity of its rollers accordingly. This is a great way to get a personalized massage without having to tell the chair your aches and pains ahead of time.

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